Scotts Valley Board of Directors

Scotts Valley Fire Protection District has a publicly elected Board of Directors consisting of five members.  Regular board meetings are held monthly on the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 6:30pm, unless otherwise noted.  Meetings are held in the Scotts Valley City council chambers located at 1 Civic Center Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066. Board meetings are open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend.

Meeting agendas are made available to the public at least 72 hours prior to a scheduled regular board meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act.   The agenda can be viewed on the Scotts Valley Fire website, at the front desk of the Administration Office, and on the public notice at the District’s Headquarters.

It is the intention of Scotts Valley Fire Protection District to make Board of Directors meetings accessible to all members of the community.  If you have a disability and require a reasonable accommodation to participate in our Board Meetings, please contact the Administration Office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting by calling (831) 438-0211 to discuss your accessibility needs.

2025 Board Meeting Schedule 

 Current Board of Directors

Adam Cosner acosner@scottsvalleyfire.comPresident
Kris Hurstkhurst@scottsvalleyfire.comVice President
Mike Weavermweaver@scottsvalleyfire.comDirector
Ron Whittlerwhittle@scottsvalleyfire.comDirector
Daron Pisciottadpisciotta@scottsvalleyfire.comDirector