Branciforte Advisory Commission

The Scotts Valley Fire Protection District (SVFPD) and the former Branciforte Fire Protection District (BFPD) entered into negotiations prior to the annexation of the BFPD area. Supported by the Santa Cruz Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), both Fire Districts ratified a District Plan for Service where the BFPD was annexed by, and merged into, the SVFPD. The ratified Service Plan required the SVFPD adopt a policy forming the BAC.

The Service Plan also required the SVFPD Board establish a Service Zone encompassing the former BFPD area. The purpose of this Service Zone was to capture that total revenue being levied in this area. The Service Plan also required the Board of Directors appoint members of the former BFPD Community to serve on the BAC.

Current Advisory Committee Members:

Donna DickinsonEmail
Marilyn KukshtEmail
Larry PagellerEmail
Zachary Raney Email
Vicki MillerEmail


The Scotts Valley Board of Directors shall establish a Service Zone (California Health and Safety Code Section 13955) encompassing the former BFPD, and appoint members of the former BFPD Community to serve as advisors-to-the-board on the use of funds levied in the Branciforte Service Zone. The purpose of the BAC is to review the finances, operations, and projects that directly effect the Service Zone.

The Commission shall not be more than five (5) members who reside in the Branciforte Service Zone area. These members (Commissioners) will be appointed by a majority vote of the SVFPD Board of Directors.

The Fire Chief shall develop a screening process and recommend members for appointment by the Board of Directors.

Each Commissioner shall serve a term of four (4) years, with terms beginning on January 1 of odd years. The terms shall be staggered with two (2) Commissioners being appointed one year, and three (3) the following odd year. The term-years for initial appointed members shall be determined by a random drawing with two (2) members serving a one (1) year term, and three (3) members serving a three (3) year term.  

  1. General Organization: The Commission and its Commissioners shall comply with all SVFPD Policies, particularly those governing conduct of the Board of Directors, and Board and Committee Meetings.
  2. Staff Support: The Fire Chief or designee shall provide staff support for the Commission as reasonable and appropriate.
  3. Meetings: The Commission shall meet not less than two (2) times per calendar year; during budget preparation and mid-year budget review. Additional meetings are subject to the approval of the Fire Chief, and in no case shall there be more than four (4) meetings in a calendar year.
  4. Quorum: The quorum of the commission shall be one (1) more than half of the appointed members. A quorum must be present for any matters that require a vote to be acted upon.

The Commission shall make efforts to ensure the interests of the Branciforte community is being protected and promoted by monitoring, studying, and advising the Fire Chief and Board of Directors on:

  1. The preparation and implementation of SVFPD plans and process, including the development of Master Plans, Strategic Plans, Standard of Cover, Capital Plans, Community Wildfire Protection Plans, and Annual Budgets.
  2. The continued use and maintenance of the Branciforte Fire Station.
  3. The continued collection and allocation of Measure T funds.
  4. The Commission shall serve as liaison to community-based groups in the Branciforte Service Area such as Firewise Communities, Community Emergency Response Teams, and other similar type groups.
  5. Such other matters relating to the Branciforte Service Area and programs as the Commission desirers to bring to the attention of the Fire Chief and the Board of Directors.
  1. The Officers of the Commission are Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.
  2. The duties of the Chair are to preside over the meetings, prepare agendas, and execute all documents on behalf of the Commission.
  3. The duties of the Vice Chair shall be to assume the duties in the absence of the Chair.
  4. The Secretary shall keep meeting minutes of each meeting.
  5. Officers shall be elected to one (1) year terms at the first meeting of the Commission each calendar year.

BAC Commissioner is a volunteer appointment and no compensation will be provided for their participation on the Commission.

  1. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held twice each calendar year, by schedule, as determined by the majority of Commission members each January.
  2. Special Meetings may be called by the Fire Chief, Chair of the Commission or by a simple majority vote of the Commission.
  3. All Meetings shall have an agenda and shall be posted in compliance with California Open Meetings Act and Board Policy 2100 Policy for Conducting Board Meetings.
  1. No action or discussion shall be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda except that a Commissioner may briefly respond to statements made or questions posted by persons exercising their public testimony right. Commissioners may also ask a clarifying question, refer matters to staff or other resources to gather factual information, or request staff to report back at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter.
  2. Notwithstanding, the foregoing action may be taken on an item of business not appearing on the posted agenda upon a determination by two-thirds vote of the membership of the Commission. If less than two-thirds of the Commission is present, a unanimous vote of those present may add agenda items but the items must require immediate action and the need for action came to the attention of the Commission subsequent to the agenda being posted.
  3. Public Comment (i.e., community oral communication) shall be heard as the first item on the agenda, shall be limited to three minutes and for items not on the agenda.
  4. The Chair of the Commission may establish reasonable time limits on the amount of time allotted to each speaker on a particular item. Similarly, the Chair may establish reasonable time limits on for public testimony of a particular item or the total amount allotted for community oral communications.
  5. When further discussion is required, the Commission may vote to allot time in the agenda of the following meeting.
  1. Committees, task forces, or working groups may be appointed as needed by the Chair with the majority approval of the Commission. The Chair, with the majority approval of the Commission, shall terminate the committee when its function is no longer necessary.
  2. All committees, task forces, or working groups shall comply with notice and agenda requirements otherwise applicable to the Commission, except for committees composed solely of less than a quorum of members of the Commission which are not standing subcommittees of the Commission.

Beside pubic input on non-agenda items as described in this policy, the public may comment on agenda items before or during the Commission consideration of the item. Comments shall be directly related to the agenda item and be concise. The Chair shall regulate such comments to insure they come at an appropriate time to be consider in the Commission deliberations and are not too long or duplicative. Written material may also be submitted for consideration as part of the Commission deliberations.