Public Safety Power Shut Off (PSPS) Resources
Please find the below resources on ways to prepare for future Public Safety Power Shut Off (PSPS) events.

Online Resources for news, and PSPS related information:
Scotts Valley Fire Protection District Facebook
Scotts Valley Police Department Facebook
Tips for Installation and Use of Generators:
Before using a portable generator please review the following tips. When in doubt, consult a licensed electrician. Generators, if not used properly, can result in carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning or fire.
- Never operate a generator inside your home, garage or enclosed space.
- Do not overload a generator, and be sure to use extension cords rated for the intended load
- Do not ‘back feed’ into your home. Consult a licensed electrician when installing a generator.
- Keep children and pets away from portable generators
- When refueling, turn generator off for a minimum of five minutes to cool down before adding fuel.
- Install battery operated carbon monoxide (CO) detectors in your home and test regularly.
- A generator is a temporary solution, prioritize your needs such as any medical equipment requiring power.

Prepare an Emergency Kit
- Bottled Water
- Non-Perishable Food
- First Aid Kit
- Cash – ATMs may be down during power outages
- Fill vehicles with gas
- Battery Operated Lights – if using candles, handle with care.
- Portable cellphone charger banks
- Extra batteries
- Blankets, warm clothing – for the colder months.
- Pet supplies (food, medication, etc.)